SunnieGrampaw wonders if you know these answers?Wonders? Page 3 

Sunnie wonders if you can answer these questions?

  1. Put an X through the chick in her Easter hat.
Peep peep where is Mommie? B.    I look lovely for the parade! C.I am too sleepy to get up!

2. Put an X through the duck in the egg.

A.  Ok so, where is the parade? B. Howdy or should I say I just quacked in!  C.  Cheep, we have got the prettiest egg and its not broken!

3. Put an X through the baby chicks.

A. Quacking my way through life. B.Awh, Quack! I can catch this egg! C.These little ones sing cheep, cheep, cheep!

Sunnie Wonders  Page 4 

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