Day Riddler
With Visuals
You may answer the riddles by filling in the right word.
I am a bird but never flew
I love to gobble but would not eat you.
I once used my bow hunting buffalo
and slept in a tee pee with Geronimo !
I am a vegetable with yellow bits
kernels on the cob but green stalks outside.
The pilgrims landed here and called
it home
a stone in my name and a mouth my own.
I am played with kicks and
passes, hits and downs.
Quarterbacks and Tacklers know my name.
I am a game won with touchdowns!
I am a horn of plenty
but have another name
filled with food like fruits and vegetables,
nuts and breads and grains.
I am very solemn and I dress in black,
wearing buckled shoes and bonnets
or wide brimmed buckled hats.
I came to America struggling to be free
to practice religion as I felt it should be.
I am a day of the week you see
between Wednesday and Friday and begin with T.
I was the boat the Pilgrims sailed
A month in my name and the rest,
well a rose is one.
I was never human, just a straw man
dressed in humans clothes to frighten some.
Like the black birds circling over head
waiting to peck at my gardens and be fed .
I come one thankful day a year,
on the fourth Thursday in November
is this day of prayer.
Now, the riddling finished.
It has all been done.
Happy Thanksgiving Day
To Every One!
The End
to Happy Thanksgiving Pages