Chasen of the SunnieBunnieZZ
Hi, my name is Chasen
I am the youngest son of Sunnie and Hunnie
I am married to the beautiful, Summer Bunnie. There was a great deal of hoopla
Dad was especially upset. Thank Bunnie Goodness for that! See, Summer is the daughter of
The Munnie BunnieZZ Stingee has built a great Chocolate factory
Stingee is Dad's arch enemy. Frankly, Dad worried Summer
Anyway, once they came to know Summer,
Summer is so pretty and smart,
I met her in the village, Basket
Ville. It was love at first sight. I have two kids, Brynn and Race.
I would be lost without my writing.
Race and I write such good things together.
And Brynn, why her drawings
Brynn is a quiet child, true,
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