Chasen of the SunnieBunnieZZ

Meet Chasen Sunnie Bunnie©


Hi, my name is Chasen
Sunnie Bunnie.

I am the youngest son of Sunnie and Hunnie

I am married to the beautiful, Summer Bunnie.

There was a great deal of hoopla
surrounding our wedding.

2 hearts with arrow

Dad was especially upset.
Mom was as always fairly calm
and worked her magic on Dad.

Thank Bunnie Goodness for that!
I was really worried in the early days.

See, Summer is the daughter of
Stingee Munnie Bunnie.

The Munnie BunnieZZEmpty purse love money
and own a lot of the village,
known as Basket Ville.

Stingee has built a great Chocolate factory
and makes the chocolate the islanders
buy for Easter.

Stingee is Dad's arch enemy.
Because of this making money off of Easter thing
as well as, the bad times
and tales my folks shared with him.
But, most especially because of the Great Book!

Frankly, Dad worried Summer
was just going out with me
to steal the book for her Father, Stingee.

Anyway, once they came to know Summer,
for herself and not her bunnie roots,
everything was fine.

Summer is so pretty and smart,
you don't know the half of it.

I met her in the village, Basket Ville.
She was a librarian.
We met when I went to get some help
with my story.

It was love at first sight.

I have two kids, Brynn and Race.
I have Easter to celebrate and the best family in the world.
I love being a Sunnie Bunnie,
we share in such important work.

I would be lost without my writing.

Book Turning Pages.

Race and I write such good things together.
Mom and Pop like my work.

And Brynn, why her drawings
just bring my words to life!

Brynn is a quiet child, true,
I've seldom heard her speak,
but, she has other gifts
which are just as important
as the spoken word!

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