Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day history, information, poetry, and activities.

Honor Our Vets

Sunnie BeeVeteran's Day honors  the men and women Service Menwho have served in the United States armed services. It is celebrated on November 11, the same day the Armistice was signed in 1918, ending the fighting in World War I.
Veteran's Day Banner
Great Britain and France commemorate this day but it is called Armistice Day. Canada also, observes the day but, it is called Remembrance Day. We observe the day with parades and speeches.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA is decorated with flowers and a ceremony is conducted Servicemen with Flag at the federal level to remember all those who have fallen in battle over the years. The President officiates at this celebration.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

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The Lantern

 Tin and Bone

 The Lantern

War Witch I

Little War Witches

 The Little Tin Soldier

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Kid's, or Middies & Elder's


Kid's, or Middies & Elder's

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