I Know It Is Near
by Katie Rosselle
"I Know It
Is Near" artistry of my dear friend,
Katie Rosselle©!
My favorite Poem!
Icy air,
Biting my face.
Ears numb…
Hiding inside
A turned up collar.
Freezing hands
Plunged deep
Inside flannel pockets.
I can see my breath.
A blue, white fog
Escaping parched, dry lips.
My nostrils detect the stench of mold.
Brittle leaves breaking
Under my shoes.
My eyes release a
I know it is near.
Is this blood
I taste on my tongue?
Are those footsteps
Behind me?
My frozen eardrums
Straining for a sound.
Yes …
There it is again.
Frantic feet
Moving swiftly over sticks
And rocks.
Panic grips me like a vise.
My heart explodes with
I know it is near.
I stumble and fall.
No time to waste.
Hot breath
Against the nape of my neck.
Claws grasping,
For a hunk of flesh,
A hank of hair…
But as I turn
With a bloodcurdling scream,
Drenched in sweat…
It was only a dream!
But still I fear…
I know it is near.
July 21, 2000
Katie Roselle