Characters: Farmer
Brown, Hayseed Pig, Mason Pig, Woody Pig
Props: pile of straw, straw house, stick house, brick house
Scene I
props: pile of straw
(Enter the Farmer from right
side of stage) |
(looking around) Where are those three silly pigs? I told them to
meet me here. I can't wait all day for them! |
3 PIGS |
(Enter from left side of stage 3 pigs
prancing and laughing) |
(Looking at them) There you are! Stop that
skipping about and listen up!
(pigs stop dancing) |
It is time for you all to
to build yourselves a new home. I am too busy to do it myself. So, you
will have to do the work yourself! |
Ugh! I hate work. I would
rather play.
Me too! Work is no fun under the sun!
(Mason pig moves closer to
Farmer) Farmer Brown, where do we begin?
You begin by deciding where to build your
house and then you decide what to build it with. I suggest you make it very
strong to keep yourselves out of the rain and out of the wolf's sharp paws and
big, hungry, belly.
That is a good idea!
I am not worried about
weather or wolves. I want to go swimming today! |
Suit yourselves, your old enough to start
making your own decisions
about things! You got to grow up sometime, everybody does! I left my
barn door open. You can use any of the tools inside. I've got to go. I've
got a whole farm to run. Good luck boys! (exit farmer)
(turning to his
brothers) I want to go swimming today too! What do you say Mason to some
summer fun?
Much as I would like to play, we have serious
to do. A new home is a tall order and that means we must get down to work.
Swimming is not on my to do list, I 'm afraid.
Well you can go build your own house then,
(pointing to pile of straw) I am going to make mine
out of easy to find and easy to work with straw! That will be good enough for
Easy, yes but easy is not always the
best way to do some things you know. Seems to me a house made of straw, just
like a straw man is pretty easy to destroy too! Hayseed, it's just one very bad
idea! It will be soggy and wet in the rain and if there is ever a fire you will be
gone with the first puff of smoke.
Ahh! It will be fine and I'll be idling my
time away, down by the stream before you can say, Suey! Suey!
(shaking his head)
Listen to me Hayseed, don't be foolish. Remember a stitch in time saves nine.
So, a house built solid and strong will not fall down!
You are not the big boss
of me!
(moving toward Mason)
He's right Mason! You are not the big boss of us! And just because you don't
mind working your life away, we do!
(turning to Hayseed) But, unlike you
Hayseed, I want my house to made out of wood. I hate the smell of wet hay
but I love working with hammers and saws and if I hurry I can still have part of
the day to swim!
All right are you sure you do
not want to help me! We could build one big brick house all together to share.
Nah! I am going to start
gathering up my wood! (exit Woody)
And I am off to the barn to get lots of hay
for my beautiful new house! (exit Hayseed)
Well, that
just leaves me! I am going to find Farmer
Brown and ask him to give me some bricks to build my house!
(exit Mason) |
(Curtain closes)

Scene II
props: straw house, stick house
Curtain Opens
(straw house on left side of stage and stick house is on right side of
(Hayseed and Woody are on stage as the curtain opens) |
It was not half bad a day,
Woody! We built our houses and still had time to swim! |
Too bad
Mason couldn't make it but, he worked all day laying bricks. Can you
imagine a house made of bricks? Even Farmer Brown doesn't have such a
house! |
He is always over-doing
everything, he is no fun at all! |
I feel sorry for him Hayseed! He needs to
lighten up!
(off stage there is a growling
sound grrrrrrr!)
Did you hear that? We better get
inside. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing straight up! Hurry Woody
I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something wicked this way comes!
I feel it too! Bolt your door
and hide under your covers!
(exit Woody and Hayseed behind their houses)
(Enter Wolf growling then stopping to sniff) Hmm, I smell sausages,
baked ham and sweet tenderloin! Ah! Pork the other white meat and just
within my grasp. Why! I believe it is just on the other side of this door
on this silly straw house. Oh! Little Piggie let me in or come out and
play with me. |
No how! No way, Mr. Wolf! You don't want to
play! you want me on a plate!
(sounding hurt)
You misjudge me little pig! Why not come out here and have a look at me? My belly is
quite full and I'm not a bit hungry. I just want to play. Just come have
a look. Come on, my little friend!
The only game you want to play is the cat eats
the mouse!
(sweetly) If you
won't come then just let me in that is all I ask.
I'll let you in when pigs
fly! |
In that case then I'll
huff and I'll puff and with a wind strong enough, I will blow your house
in, prepare to die my sweet porky pie! (taking a deep breath and with a huff and a puff
Wolf blows hard) PHEW!
(the house blows down revealing
Hayseed on the other side) |
(running to the stick house) Let me in! Let me in, Please!
(Woody opens the door) |
Hayseed come in quick as a
bunny! (both pigs vanish as door closes) |
HA! Well, two pigs are better than one! Let me in little piglets! |
When Pigs Fly! |
Then I will huff and I will puff until I have a wind strong enough and I
will blow your house in, prepare to die my little pork chops! |
(Wolf begins with a grr and a growl, takes a
deep breath and blows hard) PHEW
(the house still stands) |
Hooray! He didn't get in! |
GRR! I can do this and soon I will be eating baloney sandwiches, pork
chops, and bacon to say nothing of sausages and tenderloin, enough for a
number of days my little piggies!
(wolf takes another big breath and blows hard) Phew and Suey too!
(house falls down) |
Come on Hayseed! Let's go to Mason's house on our tippy toes we must try as best we
can to fly!
(EXIT both pigs with the wolf
laughing as he follows them off stage |
Scene III
Outside Brick House
Props: brick house
(Woody, Hayseed, Mason and Wolf)
Curtain opens (Mason is standing
outside his house) |