By Linda A. Copp
Barnyard Thanksgiving Characters: Duck, Cow,
Pig, Chicken or Rooster, Mouse ACT I Open Meadow
(ENTER HORSE from Left and COW from right) | |
COW: | (speaks while walking to center of stage) HORSE! I am working on my list of who is bringing what to our Thanksgiving dinner. Please tell me what are you planning on bringing? |
HORSE: | (Turns to face cow) Oh! I have been saving apples and carrots for it! I also have oatmeal put aside as well, for bread. |
COW: | (nodding head) Yummy and double yummy when I add the butter I will be making from my milk to that bread and the whipped cream for the baked apples and everything else. Milk is such an important ingredient! |
Mouse and I will be doing the baking once the family leaves for their own Thanksgiving gathering out of town. I am always grateful they meet with family members away from here. So we can use their kitchen stove! |
COW: |
(laughing) Just one of the many things we are so thankful for indeed! AS we are all grateful to you and mouse for your doing the baking that makes baked apples and bread possible! Even the hot vegetables will be appreciated with the butter, instead of cold for a wonderful change! Their stove beats trying to cook over the barbeque pit on their back porch. |
My mouth is watering! |
COW: |
Mine too! Oh! HORSE, Will you ask Mouse if he will be bringing any cheese? |
(nodding his head) Yes, of course, in fact I think I will go for a run and and look for him! |
COW: | Bye HORSE! Have A good
HEN: |
(ENTER CHICKEN) COW! I have been looking for you! I wanted to let you know I have dozens of eggs for Thanksgiving for omelets and breads and especially for the EGG NOG! |
COW: |
EGG NOG! The barnyard favorite! We can always count on you Hen ! |
HEN: |
You bet you can! I can hardly wait till Thursday! I will go get the eggs and use Jimmy's pail to bring them to the barn. Then we can get a clean pail and we can mix up my eggs and your milk! |
COW: |
Sounds Good! Bye CHICKEN!
(turns to face audience as CHICKEN
PIG: |
(ENTER PIG) Hi COW! I wanted to talk to you about Thanksgiving, what are we having so far? |
COW: |
(Turns to Pig) Buttered carrots, oat bread and apples, courtesy of HORSE except butter courtesy of me! Eggs courtesy of CHICKEN, eggnog courtesy of me and chicken. Hopefully cheese courtesy of MOUSE! And whatever you are donating to the dinner? |
PIG: |
Me, I am bringing potatoes and corn and they too will be tasty with your butter! (nodding his head up and down) Yum! Yum! |
COW: |
You know I appreciate the sacrifice you all make for our Thanksgiving Day dinner together! |
PIG: |
OH COW it is so, worth it! ALL of us pulling together to make the most wonderful feast. It is so, special to share this dinner together and then there is the story telling and the dancing later! |
COW: |
Yes, definitely One of our favorite times of the year! Now, the only one left on my list is little Duck! Have you seen him today PIG? |
PIG: |
No! I have not seen him all day. |
COW: |
Horse if off looking for him but I think I will go look too! |
PIG: | Count me in I will look
with you! (EXIT COW and PIG) CURTAIN
ACT II Meadow |
MOUSE: | Little DUCK, Why so sad? |
DUCK: | Oh! I feel bad, bad, bad, because I have nothing to bring to Thanksgiving tomorrow! I do not think I should come if I have nothing to give! |
MOUSE: | Don't be silly! (MOUSE puts his hand on DUCKS shoulder) It would not be Thanksgiving without you there, just bring yourself, that will be enough! Everyone will understand! |
DUCK: | (duck turns to audience) You all know how I feel, I want to do my share, but I have nothing except a few kernels of corn feed, but what can I do with that MOUSE! |
H'mmm! Let me think on this Little Duck. Wait! I hear HORSE coming, lets talk to him. He may have some ideas! (ENTER HORSE) |
HORSE: | MOUSE and Duck both together, what a lucky find! |
DUCK: | I do not feel like a lucky find! I have nothing to bring tomorrow for the Barnyard Dinner and I do not think I should go, unless I can bring something! |
HORSE: | You will cook with MOUSE and I! That will be a big help to us. |
MOUSE: | Yes duck! HORSE what a great idea! |
DUCK: | OK, but what about the meal, I have nothing except some kernels of corn. |
HORSE: | Bring the corn and I will use it in something ! Hey! Maybe pop corn! (Horse and Mouse nod there heads up and down!) |
DUCK: | OH that makes me so happy! I will bringing a great treat and cooking too! Hooray, hooray! |
Now, that's settled. (turns to mouse) MOUSE, Cow wants to know if you will be bringing any cheese tomorrow? |
MOUSE: | Yes, that cheese, I feel is really mine! I save some of the cheese they put in their mouse traps trying to catch me! They never give up trying but I know my way around the traps. And all that makes the cheese extra tasty and extra special to share it with friends. |
HORSE: | OK fellas lets all head back to the barn it is getting late and we might want to all get a goodnights sleep! |
Yes! We should all get some rest, with a big day ahead. (they all leave the stage) Curtain
ACT III Inside the Barn |
COW: |
Pig thank you for the corn and potatoes! They are just waiting to be gobbled up with baked apples, carrots, fluffy omelets, oatmeal bread, cheese, whipped cream and I think Duck is making popcorn for the storytelling later! |
PIG: |
Popcorn! What a nice treat! Say where is everyone? |
COW: |
HORSE, MOUSE and DUCK are finishing up on the baking! Horse is making oatmeal cookies! CHICKEN is getting the Egg Nog he has had on ice! Mouse got ice cubes from the family's house. |
PIG: |
That sounds fantastic! (ENTER CHICKEN with pail) |
HEN: | Here it is, this Egg Nog is cold, think I will put it on the table? (CHICKEN puts pail down) Hey! Where is everyone? |
COW: |
Cooking! But they should be here soon! |
Hi everyone! Don't these smell wonderful, fresh from the oven! Duck and Mouse will be here in a few minutes they are finishing the popcorn. (ENTER MOUSE and Duck huffing and puffing) |
COW: |
Whats wrong! |
DUCK: | (DUCK crying) I am so sorry Everyone! |
HORSE: | Sorry for what little Duck! |
Let me tell them, Little
duck! The family came home early, just as we were crossing the driveway.
The cat and dog came running at us and we panicked and dropped popcorn. I
grabbed duck and dragged him along with me! Now, I once again have nothing to give!
Kittle Duck, we have plenty and besides this dinner is not about the food
but about sharing and caring. |
(ALL characters turn to audience) Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! | |
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