The Magic Cat Play

Cat playing with a butterfly.

Race Sunnie Bunnie and Linda A. Copp

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Characters: Cat, Bunny, Elephant, Monkey
Props: Bag of peanuts, banjo, bowl of milk, a tent

Scene I


Props: banjo, peanuts, tent attached to background as scenery
(An ELEPHANT is playing a banjo outside a circus tent and singing "Found a Peanut",
a CAT is lying off to one side. ENTER the BUNNY)

BUNNY: (watching ELEPHANT) Say, can you play anything besides "Found a Peanut"?
ELEPHANT: (Looking at BUNNY, stops playing) No, not yet, but I'm working on the, "Elephant Walk" and "If I Could Talk to the Animals."
BUNNY: Hah, I already know how to talk to the animals.

You do? (staring)


Well, I'm talking to you aren't I.


Huh! So you are, but I don't think you know, or rather understand what I mean.


Forget it. Hey, can you keep a secret?


Of course I can keep a secret. Elephants may never forget a secret but they can always keep their trunks closed. Guaranteed!

BUNNY: Guaranteed! Well then see that cat lying over there (points to CAT sleeping off to the side.) He is a magic cat.

Ooh! A Magic cat, how do you know?


I heard talk in town that Houdini, the magician, has lost his cat while touring here. He has been looking for it everywhere.


How do you know it is his cat?


Easy, first have you seen any other stray cats around?


Ahh! No, I haven't seen any other cats around, unless you count the tigers.


I said Houdini lost a cat not a tiger. Now, look, see how he pretends to sleep. Anyone can see it's an illusion.


An illusion, Yes. (nodding his head) What's an illusion?


He seems to sleep, but he is not sleeping, no not our Mr. Cat. He makes us believe our eyes, but it is not true what we see. (BUNNY moves closer to ELEPHANT)


Yes, not true what we see, tell me what do we see, then?


Why we see a clever fellow, (BUNNY puts his arm on ELEPHANTS shoulder), someone who knows all the Magician's secrets. Someone who could be a real prize for the clever elephant who keeps his trunk closed and sees his true value.


His true value yes, yes, why are you telling me all this?


Because you and I are sharing secrets and I can tell that you Mr. Elephant, who keeps his trunk closed, will on occasion gladly raise that trunk when peanuts are flung about. You like, maybe I should say love, peanuts don't you?

ELEPHANT: Oh, yes, yes, indeed! Peanuts are my passion, my sweetest dream is me surrounded by bags of beautifully roasted, fresh, warm toasty peanuts every single day of my life.
BUNNY: I knew it, I knew it! Let's make a trade.
ELEPHANT: A trade, what do you mean Mr. Bunny?
BUNNY: I traded my secret about the cat already, now you give me the banjo and keep Sleepy Cat for yourself.
ELEPHANT: What good is your secret to me?

What good is it, what good is it. You, my silly, dim witted friend, could keep Mr. Cat for yourself. After all, a magician's cat has to know a magician's secrets. Remember your dream, you could get anything you wanted (BUNNY lowers his voice) Like bags and bags of tasty, warm oven roasted yum, yum, peanuts.


Oh! Happiness, happiness, you're right Bunny. Wait, (suspiciously) why don't you keep the cat for yourself.


Do I look like the kind of guy who hangs around, I'm a jack rabbit, hopping here, leaping there, briar patches, rabbit holes, deep burrows. I can't be tied down with a pet. Does that cat look like he is a go getter to you?

ELEPHANT: No, I guess not.

Could he live in a hole or a briar patch?


No, I don't suppose so. (Elephant shakes his head no)


I rest my case.


Okay, no wait a minute, shouldn't we bring him home to the Magician?

BUNNY: All in good time, my friend. I know Mr. Cat could teach you the magician's tricks, enough to get you peanuts day after day. No more working for peanuts, you'd be wishing for them instead. Besides Houdini, would be very grateful, why you'd be set for life. Think about it.
ELEPHANT: Okay if the cat will come with me, we've got a deal.
BUNNY: Here kitty, kitty (BUNNY and ELEPHANT advance toward CAT,  CAT rises slowly, walking toward them)
ELEPHANT: He likes me, he likes me. Here, take the banjo.
BUNNY: You won't be sorry, gotta go. (EXIT Bunny strumming banjo)


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Scene II

Outside Circus Tent
(ELEPHANT, CAT, MONKEY off to the side of the stage.)
Props: bowl of milk, bag of peanuts

ELEPHANT: You must be a very hungry magic cat. Here have some milk. I think, I'll just take a cat nap, don't mind the  pun, while you eat. I can wait a little longer for my peanuts, I'm so tired. Secrets and bargains are very tiring things. (ELEPHANT lowers his head and begins to snore.  CAT is slurping up his milk.)

(ENTER MONKEY) A magic cat! Hey, why should he have a magic cat? Come here kitty. (Monkey advances toward the cat) Come on now. (CAT starts backing away, he meows and jumps on sleeping elephant.)

ELEPHANT: What's wrong? (seeing MONKEY) Hello Monkey.
MONKEY: Elephant, I want that cat.
ELEPHANT: Well, sorry, but you can't have it.
MONKEY: What if I trade you for it. If I had a magic cat the organ grinder could do tricks with him, instead of me and I could go on vacation while he did the work.
ELEPHANT: He doesn't seem to like you. I think you scared him.

I guess I did. What if I give you my peanuts for him?

ELEPHANT: I don't know (pausing) I was going to wish for peanuts every day.
MONKEY: Alright, what if I give you a bag of peanuts every day, then?

Okay, that sounds wonderful but only if the kitty wants to go with you.


Here kitty cat, come here (CAT does not move) please, kitty cat, please. (CAT walks over to him) Thank you, kitty cat.


Please and thank you, are magic words, Monkey.


I guess they are. So it's a bargain? It's a trade then?


Two bargains in one day, that's a lot for a fella like me, yes, we've got a deal, but only as long as he wants to be with you. He is very valuable, a magician's cat, skilled in illusion, so, treat him right, Monkey.

MONKEY: I will.



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Scene III
Same place Outside Circus Tent
Props: Bag of peanuts

(ELEPHANT munching on peanuts singing "Found a Peanut", ENTER BUNNY)

Say what have you got there and where's your magic cat, ha, ha, ha.


Peanuts, say what are you laughing about?


You dim wit, didn't you figure out that wasn't a magic cat. I made the whole story up just to get your banjo, dunderhead!


Dim wit, dunderhead, (says the elephant angrily). Well Mr. Smart Alec Bunny, I wouldn't say that cat wasn't magic. Where do you suppose these peanuts came from.


I don't know.


I wished for them and because of that cat my wish came true and will keep coming true every day from now on, mean Mr. Bunny.

BUNNY: Oh, no, I can't believe it. (Bunny shaking his head) Maybe it really was a magic cat and I let it slip through my fingers for a banjo, what a fool I was. (EXIT BUNNY and ELEPHANT)


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