Ruby Stew by Linda A. Copp
Characters: Cat, Witch,
Wizard, Black Cat.
Props: cauldron, 2 bottles, spoon, tree.
Scene I
Props: none in this scene
(Witch enters from the left side
of the stage turning her head from side to side and calling out in a
loud voice)
are you silly cat? Grimace! Can you hear me? Grimace! I'm waiting! |
Grimace from stage right and speaking in a sighing voice)
I'm here Ruby, right here! |
(turning to
audience) This cat is forever
disappearing on me and I do not mean in the invisible man sort of way
either! There is neither magic nor science involved in his vanishing act!
It is more like playing hide and seek, over and over again!
(Witch turns back to Grimace)
Listen Grimace! I need your help if I am going to win the Golden Cauldron
Award this year. |
What makes you think you
are going to win this year? (says more softly,
shaking his head)
You never win! The wizard always wins! Everyone knows that, I don't even know
why anyone even enters this stupid contest!
Well, smartie pants, I just
heard the wizard has dropped out of the contest and is being a judge instead to
give us all a crack at it. So, the field is wide open, I tell you, wide open!
And I want to make a stew so spook-tacular and raven-dishes that no one can beat, Ruby's Roiling, Boiling Stew!
I myself have never tasted your stew without thinking, why in the
world would anyone want anyone to know they made this cruel drool!
Cruel Drool! Grimace is this some sort of
insult? Are you saying my stew is not tasty? (turns to
What do you think my little trick or treaters is this a big thumbs down
or what?
(turns back to cat)
I am saying your stew tastes
best when it does, on those rare occasions, too rare really, well when it is tasteless and thank
once in awhile that happens! So much better than when it is just ROTTEN!
at cat)
Tasteless is best! Well! You know what this means, Grimace?
No! What does this mean? Are you
dropping out? I hope! I hope!
No! I am not quitting over a silly little thing like
that! But this does mean, I definitely need a new recipe and
fast because Halloween is almost here. So, I am assigning you the responsibility
of finding one!
Me! Why? I 'm no cook! I'm a cat, we eat and
sleep, we play and we cuddle but that's the whole ball of yarn in Catdom!
Listen, you are the cat behind this witch and
I want you to be to me and do for me, as Midnight Cat does for his wizard! I
know he is a big part of the Wizard's success! He and that Owl of his!
Midnight, Smidnight, here we go again Midnight
the Magnificent! Midnight The Marvelous! Listen if I were you, I would bet on
the owl as I refuse to believe that Midnight Cat is anymore special than me!
Good then we agree, you are equals and that in
my eyes means you are equally gifted! Now get me the ingredients for a fabulous
or should I say, Cat-tabulous stew! And be quick about it! I need to get back to
my shack and get spruced up for the Hallow's Eve Bash!
(turning to audience)
Great did you hear that? This is all up to me, and I am no
more magically gifted, than that overrated black cat!
Well I better come up with something or it will break Ruby's big old heart! (turns and walks from the stage)
Scene II
(WIZARD, is standing by a
cauldron and is speaking.
BLACK CAT, is stirring the cauldron.)
Props: cauldron, spoon, bottle |
Abracadabra! Moonbeams of
night, spill into my elixir, make it lunar bright fill it with good wishes, wonders, delights till dreams and believing are woven, take flight! Abracadabra! To all a goodnight!
(nodding head and stirring
Ah! Midnight, my Moon
Dance Elixir is almost ready! Another hour of moonlight spilling into it and it
will be perfect. (cat stops stirring)
Then I will have another years worth of the stuff that dreams are made of.
It is just the best thing for a perfect nights rest, so refreshing and yet, I
always wake up ready to move mountains! It is just the best night cap before
bed. And all I need is a teaspoon of it in milk!
Sorry to interrupt Wizard but, shouldn't you
be running along? You need to help Owl finish the guest list for the after
midnight Hallow's Eve Party!
Yes, yes, I best hurry, thank you for
reminding me. Will you finish up and put this elixir into bottles?
Oh For sure, for sure! You
can count on me! |
I am off
then, see you later. I will be back as soon as I can.
(exit wizard) |
waves) H'mm there is an hour or so before this is ready. So, there
is no harm in me catching a cat nap besides I am tired from all that
stirring. Think I will lie down by this tree and just rest my eyes ...
Gee, what's this?
such a big pot, but of what? And who is that by that tree?
(Grimace goes over to look at sleeping Midnight but
stumbles falling on him and waking him up) |
What! Who
goes there? (Midnight gets up) |
Grimace Cat, Ruby Witch's cat.
Who are you?
I am Midnight, the Wizard's cat!
Midnight the Magnificent, I don't believe
this, at last we meet!
I'm Midnight but
Magnificent! (cat laughs)
I don't know about that. |
Your famous! Ruby Witch, my
owner, thinks you are a big part of the wizards success! She believes you know
Know Magic!
Now, that is funny! The most I know of the Wizards magic is stirring his pots
for him! Listen! I am just a cat like you! (midnight
shakes his head)
If only Ruby believed that! She expects me to
get her a delicious recipe for stew so, she can win the Golden Cauldron award!
I have been gathering all kinds of things, pumpkin, squash, potatoes, broccoli
and corn cobs. She usually makes her stews with bats and bugs and icky stuff
like that yuck. Though I did think hard about adding a mouse or two, you
know? Still, I think my stew will be much healthier and tastier than anything she
ever brewed!
You know though I don't know magic, the wizard
sure does! Why don't I give you a bottle of his "stuff that dreams are made of"
elixir that might add something magically to the mix. Who knows it might get you
off the hook if she wins!
That would be great!
Thanks a million! |
here ya go (Midnight gives Grimace a bottle) Now remember
only use a teaspoon a serving. It is very strong! |
OK will do and thanks
again Buddy (takes
bottle and turns to leave) |
We cats have to stick
together! (Midnight waves goodbye! Grimace leaves stage) |
I think I will start bringing these bottles to the wizard. (EXIT
Midnight carrying bottles) |