Grammaw Hunnie of The SunnieBunnieZZ
Hello, I am Grammaw Hunnie
My pre-Sunnie days were carefree,
In those days, no one wrote anything down,
A bit like my granddaughter, Brynn. Summer finds it hard to believe,
Sunnie and I have had and do have a good life together. Bunnie Burrows© and my
folks, I was an only child and when my folks died it was hard. I got a lot of joy from my writing.
Did I mention, I sew
tapestries? Brynn, my granddaughter is a great help
to me too, Well, I do ramble a bit sometimes, And sharing is one of my favorite things to do.
I like to relax beneath the Great Mann Elder and sew
Ahh! Guess I better go, the flowers need weeding!
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