Magic A Brief History
Magic A Brief History
A Word from
King's often employed personal magicians, who were supposed to be able curry favor with the gods and guarantee victory of all kinds, over enemies, famine, and disease. Merlin, the wizard featured in the King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table Tales, served in such a manner. There are basically three kinds of the old magic, the supernatural magic, homeopathic, sympathetic and contagious magic. Homeopathic imitates what the practitioner would like to see happen. A
small model of the objective is made and the desired result is acted
out, rather like a play. A fisherman makes a clay fish and acts out
catching it. Hoping this is what will really happen when he goes
fishing. Indian rain dances and or European folk dances were often
performed in hopes of good harvests. In other words, it's an acting out
of the persons hope with the belief this hope will become a reality. Contagious magic, takes control of an object thought to be magically charged or empowered by its owner, in order to get control over him. A person's lucky socks, or a rabbits foot, something like that, might be considered to be empowered by its owner and taking control of this amulet or lucky item is believed to be taking away the owners power. All
of these magics use correspondences, or what it believes is the hidden
relationships between man and the universe, to make things happen the
way the practitioner, or practicer, wishes. The Egyptians and Romans believed in Magic. Egyptians carried amulets and magic figures and the Romans went to priests called Oracles. The Oracles were thought to be able to speak with the gods. Alchemy, an ancient science, tried to discover the philosopher's stone, a magic substance which could turn lead into gold. They also sought the elixir of life, a miraculous substance which could cure disease and lengthen life. Many believed in this science. The Swiss Physician Phillip Paracelus and Sir Issac Newton were two, such believers. This old science is no longer considered to be a science by modern standards. Next: Birth of Modern Magic
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