Angel with Songbook
His Angels Sound

By Linda A. Copp

God has guardian angels,
hovering o'er the skies,
Watching O'er His children,
their laughs, and prayers, and sighs.
And when a lost one needs a word,
a gentle touch, a look,
They race with scores of sentences,
his teachings, love, and book.
And listening to one's humble prayers,
whisperings in the shade,
They fly on speeded wings of flight,
on harps of gold they've played,
Until their special shafts of gold,
spill through the velvet night,
Bringing forth His vigilance,
His holy loving light.

And touching all with silver song,
His notes, a music clear,
Softly mending hurting hearts,
with comfort if they'll hear.
And thus, it will be for you my friend,
you'll hear the angels sing,
If you'll just believe and listen,
to the love their music brings.
He'll wrap you in his robes of love,
mend what's broken, too!
And dress you in His very best,
when His Angels sing to you!

By Linda A. Copp
July 20, 1970 ©

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