Black Cats Making Mischief,
It's Friday the Thirteenth!

By Linda A. Copp


Black Cats making mischief
it's Friday the Thirteenth!
Black cats sneaking up on you!

Be wary of these kitties
with claws on paws as black as ink!

Because ...

Bad luck is heading your way,
at least that's what I think!

So, if today, they cross your path,
why, you'd better cross the street!

Because ...

Black Cats are making mischief,
and it's Friday the Thirteenth!
Please be wary of these felines
as they pounce on booted feet!

Because ...

Bad luck is padding your way
if you two, should ever meet!
Well, at least that's what I think
as they scowl and prowl and slink!

So, don't stare into their cat eyes!
Don't you even sneak a peek!
As they seek and creep and leap
on quick paws with bodies sleek.

It's best you just RETREAT!

Because ...

Though bad luck can find you
any day of any week,
why, it seems especially so, today
at least that's what I think!

Because ...

 Black Cats are making mischief
and it's Friday the Thirteenth!

And your luck could go from bad to worse
come October Thirty-First!
When Black Cats are making mischief
on the Eve of
Trick Or Treat!

By Linda A. Copp

©October 13, 2002

Black Cats Making Mischief,
It's Friday the Thirteenth!

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These Hand Puppet Storytelling Characters come to us
through the puppet artistry of the Czech Republic!
The detail is wonderful and the sweetness in their expressions
tell of the love the Czech people have for the art that is Puppetry!

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