Mirror, Mirror, on the wall
Whose the fairest of us all?
I the poet, I the clown,
I the white man, I the brown.
I the beggar, I the Queen,
I the hero, or the dream.
I the quiet, I the loud,
I the humble, I the proud.
I the crier, I the still,
I the healer, or the iron will?
I the cripple, I the weak,
I the loving, I the meek.
I the victim, I the mild,
I the victor, I the child.
I the unsure, I the kind
I the hero, I the blind.
I the thinker but mere man,
Believing being what I can.
Yes, Mirror, Mirror what is real?
Which is nobler and which ideal?
Mirror, Mirror tell me true
What does thee your glass so view?
Impressions caught, reflections cast,
Bouncing back till we the last.
See ourselves as perhaps you do,
Unknown, Unfathomed, lost in you.
By Linda A. Copp
©May 6, 1970