Puzzle Pieces
By Linda A. Copp

Picking up the pieces,
fragments, bits of me.
The me I was and what I am,
and what I've yet, to be,
Interwoven memories,
friends I've lost and found,
The lyrics with no song.

And sometimes,
I think I'm almost there, 
Ah, then, 
I stop and turn around.
And then this jigsaw puzzle, troubles me,
and I think I'll lose it all.

I falter and I fall;
I stumble and I'm lost.
The guilt has taken over,
and the devil owns the night.
For the wrongs there is no right,
And my soul has lost its light.

Even now, in the deepening shadows,
when starlight and moonlight begin.
And nights thickening cloak of darkness,
has fallen and left me with them.

Even now, in the steepening darkness.
It's as its always been.
It's as if there were no beginning ,
as if there were no end.

It's all the same as it ever was,
though the years,
have come and gone.
And I can't believe as I sit here, yet,
that it has really been that long.

As I look out at the troubled sky,
that always seems to be,
Just that vast, and just that deep,
and just that dark for me.

Its always been these hours,
between midnight into dawn,
That I've found the most comfort here,
the place that I belong.

The solitude, the eternity, the aloneness,
reaches out to my troubled soul.
'Til there's a peace inside of me,
that wells up to take control.

And from somewhere there within me,
the believing comes again.
And the strength I need to go on,
is drenched in faith,
yes just this once,
and yet, again.

Then another piece of me
wells up
and it believes,
And joy is shed from its sweet petals
as the rosebud blooms,
 and spreads its leaves.

And my faith turns to rainbows,
enjoys and lights the dawn.
And I know I'll survive the night
And I'll be able to go on.

By Linda A. Copp
© August 4, 1981

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