Summer Day
Reflections On A Sunny Afternoon
By Linda A. Copp

I'm alone here,
awake, and listening,
Looking up at the sky
so big, so blue, so beautiful.

Leaves rustling, falling,
and laughing in the wind.
The windows should be opened
to let the sunshine in.

Later, Later, But for now
I want to rest -
Is there an escape Lord,
everything's so muddled.
Kaleidoscopes of emotions,
rights and wrongs
And so, many in betweens.

I want to run away with today,
to a secret place,
where all children are healthy and happy -
And playing make believe with their friends.

So, much sadness about me,
to the left of me,
the old,
to the right,
the young.
One can't remember, the other can't forget.
And both neglected.

To be here, to be there,
to be everywhere,
and still afraid.-
Oh! God,
If only I could run and hide,
or go and conquer.
But, instead here I lie,
admiring the heavens,
and wishing -
And yet, I may, I just may
open those windows one day.
I may yet find that secret home,

By Linda A. Copp

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