Stain Glass Window
A Stained Glass Window 
By Linda A. Copp

A stained glass window
fell to the floor
Its beauty was shattered,
it breathed no more.

Colored fragments
of one brilliant design
Scattered and broken,
shattered by time.

They lay there helpless,
scarred and alone
The sharing has ended,
it broke with a stone.

A rock somehow hurting,
inflicted the pain
Ripping like darkness,
falling like rain.

It ripped through the splendor
of this rainbow in glass
Delicate and fragile,
the pane could not last.

And so now, this poem
reflecting God's light
Now lies unrhyming
and dark as the night.

But, how can its beauty
be forgot
The light and the wonder
it cast and it caught.

Buried in sorrow
that it should break
I stare o'er these pieces
I feel my heart ache.

I glance o'er these pieces
once held as one
And only God knows
where that stone came from!

 By Linda A. Copp
 ©September 18, 1969

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