Did you see the squirrel,
racing to the tree?
Must have found a walnut
which had escaped from me.
I saw the green leaves flutter,
The woody branches quake.
Knew he found some treasure,
I'd missed through some mistake.
Yet, I'm glad 'twas he who found it,
Better he than I,
For I would probably eat it,
never asking why.
Just some thoughtless action,
when my mind was buried in,
some fantasies, realities,
some feelings there within.
And then you see, unknowingly,
unwittingly, I would,
Hurt this fellow part of life,
by stealing from his rude.
And taking from his meager means,
I'd cause him seek for more,
I'd trouble him so needlessly,
as I have done before.

But, today I noticed him,
his scramble for his meat,
And feeling somewhat wiser now,
I applaud his furry feet.
I'll trouble him no, further,
Not from this moment on.
But, how often in the past,
Have I done this kind of harm?
By Linda A. Copp
©May 22, 1970