I Know It Is Near
by Katie Rosselle

"I Know It Is Near" artistry of my dear friend,
Katie Rosselle
My favorite Poem! 

Icy air,
Biting my face.
Ears numb…
Hiding inside
A turned up collar.
Freezing hands 
Plunged deep
Inside flannel pockets.
I can see my breath.
A blue, white fog
Escaping parched, dry lips.
My nostrils detect the stench of mold.
Brittle leaves breaking
Under my shoes.
My eyes release a 
I know it is near.

Is this blood
I taste on my tongue?
Are those footsteps
Behind me?
My frozen eardrums
Straining for a sound.
Yes …
There it is again.
Frantic feet 
Moving swiftly over sticks
And rocks.
Panic grips me like a vise.
My heart explodes with 
I know it is near.

I stumble and fall.
No time to waste.
Hot breath
Against the nape of my neck.
Claws grasping,
For a hunk of flesh,
A hank of hair…
But as I turn 
With a bloodcurdling scream,
Drenched in sweat…
It was only a dream!
But still I fear…
I know it is near.

July 21, 2000
Katie Roselle

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