Labor Day
Labor Day holiday page honoring working men and women.
Labor Day is a holiday honoring It is observed on the first Monday in September. Matthew M. Maguire and Peter J. McGuire contributed greatly to this event and are credited as the founders of this holiday observance, as they were the first to suggest there be a day of observance honoring working people here in the United States. Peter J. McGuire, a New York City carpenter, helped found the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. Two years later, in 1884 the group held a parade on the first Monday of September and a resolution was adopted to hold all future parades on that day and to designate the day, Labor Day. In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day a legal holiday. In 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed a bill making Labor Day a national holiday. Poetry: More Poetry: Prince or Puppet
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