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devotion and love to My Lord in gratefulness And He Went Away To
Pray And He went away to pray He the Son of God, born the Son of Man,
And so, it came to pass that
"My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death:
So, saying this, He
prostrated himself
His path to walk, "The Way of The Cross."
if it be possible let this cup
pass from me:
Rising from these meditations "Could
you not then watch one hour with me?
And so, saying
He returned to the Garden Agony. He
to be scourged, beaten, mocked,
His brow drenched in the
His blood dripping, spilling down,
And so, Jesus knowing all this "My
Father if this cup cannot pass away, unless I drink it, Thy will
be done!"
He returned again to the
disciples "My
Father if this cup cannot pass away, unless I drink it, Thy will
be done!"
thus said, His very essence now,
spent Yes ALL THIS ...
And He in Gethsemane, heartbroken,
But NO, we did not! And so, though He wept this man,
And Yet, forgave US
Linda A. Copp
And He Went Away To Pray Word Search
A Blessed and Happy Easter Everyone!
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