Rick Rowan at his digital Piano, making musical magic!Music

This page is a dedicated to all those talented musicians who have been generous enough to share their wonderful compositions with me over the years not only on this site but my others as well,
Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart
one and All!

David W. Folsom

What can I say David, your music is so beautiful and you are so talented. I simply soar on every note! I consider myself blessed to have met you and even more blessed to be able to call you my friend. You are a true inspiration! As you so well know, your music inspired so many poems for me from

Tahoe's Lady of The Lake, to

Dragon Flies,  from

The Halls of Schwedagon, to

Lute and the Mystic Rose. Add to that


Ice Blue Empress

Lady of The Mists,

Fantasia's Lady of The Lake and

Faerie World.

The Hall's of Schwedagon is my favorite piece of music by you and inspired my own work, The Hall's of Schwedagon which remains my favorite poem to date! I just love the feeling of everything moving and climbing, swirling all about me. It truly casts a spell!
Thank you for Emeraude heard in both Tahoe's Lady of The Lake and Fantasia's Lady of the Lake, a brilliant composition! I was thrilled to use its very name in the poem! Mists On The Water, heard in Lute and The Mystic Rose is your favorite piece of music and I can see or should I say hear why! I love the poetry you wrote to go with it, Lady Of The Morning Mists, my personal favorite of your poems! Dancing Dragonflies used in Dragon Flies thrills me especially since, you composed it with me and had my sites in mind. Unborn in Tallow, such a lullaby and Icicles in The Ice Blue Empress are very different feelings but as always incredible compositions. YOU to me are a composer of great depth with much to share and say!
I look forward to what we may create together in the future!

Keith Spillman

Keith Spillman is the

Musical Muse!

He was the first composer to grant permission to me to use his music on my sites and with my poetry. Even when I asked to use not just one but five of them! Thank you with all my heart Keith, you like David inspired many poems like


which I wrote to your enthralling Majestic!
It was the first poem I ever wrote to your music.
Then there is the wonderfully, fun, Da Bear,
which inspired me to write my feelings about the tragedy at Columbine, in my poem,

There's Creatures.

This too is one of my favorite works and gives me a feeling of folk singing in Russia! Yet, there are so many other songs of yours that just fit my work so wonderfully, almost as if I had written them specifically to them.

Lamythica's Watch

is an example of this, my favorite piece of music by you

was the perfect accompaniment to it and now, I could not ever read it without hearing this melody! It is also the music I wrote

Kindred Spirits

to. Niteride was perfect for

Morgan Town

though you yourself say it was written for a more modern day ride than the one in this little story poem. Big Sky is perfect for both my

Indian Song


as was  Midevil, perfect for both

The Troubadour

and of course my ode to you, Keith, the

Musical Muse!

Musical Muse acknowledges the muse who works through you, sharing once again music of times come before from places we may never have been with the music yet to come, brought to life for us all my friend, by the muse in you and all the composers featured here!

John Engelmann
His links no longer respond, - please let us know if you find a live link!

John Engelmann is one of the finest composers in cyberspace or anywhere else in fact! Most of his work can be heard at my other site

Lamythica's Flights of Fantasy!

So, many of his works just move my very soul like Seashore, Legend, Deep Blue and Mother! They are mystical and uplifting and I have written some deep and believing pieces of my own to them.

Hallowed Grotto

was written to Seashore, my favorite Engelmann song. It  moves me profoundly and uplifts my spirit! And as he himself, says on his site, envokes a feeling of healing and renewal. 


was written to Deep Blue. I love the yawning, feeling of the woods waking up to hear this piece weaving its little spell over them all! The beautiful Mother  plays on the

Birth of The Mystic Rose

and it too casts a spell of oneness with all living things!
is the music on

The Mystic Rose

and it is so mystical it cannot do anything but add to the piece I wrote. A Theme Song for the New Millennium is on

Spiritual Tahoe

and it is so joyous it literally brings tears to my eyes! This too is a wonderful piece of music! Many of these works of John's are background throughout the site on informational pages dealing with both folklore and spirituality!
Thank YOU John!

Rick Rowan

Rick Rowan's music A Long Time Ago, appears on this page.  I know you will enjoy listening.
He has contributed the following selections to this site,

 A Long Time Ago,

 heard here and on story pages about the Sunnie Bunniezz,

A Bridge to Nowhere heard on

The Bridge Is Out

and several songs of his to be featured soon here at the Sunnie Bunniezz and Lamythica's Flights of Fantasy!
I will update this dedication as soon as these pages are ready my friend!

Mike Leja 

Mike Leja, I love so much of your work but Grandiose Dream is my favorite song by you! I love the feeling of slipping away, dancing over the magical waters full of delight and wonder and enjoying the sunshine playing there as well!  It appears on The Enchantment:

Where My Beloved Waits for Me

both at the the Sunnie Bunniezz web site and LadyLamythica's Flights of Fantasy! Where another wonderful and powerful work by you Dragon Flight is also found on the dark and foreboding piece about the evil Dwarftus Circumspectus!

Michael Yee

Michael Yee, thank you for letting me use Fleeing the City in

The Wizard

I enjoyed all your pieces written for these kinds of Mystical places.

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Takes time to load but is done to pay homage to all the artists
who gave and give so generously of their talent to us all!

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