I love puppets and puppet theater. It's a world, just about the right size for anything you feel like saying or doing. You can be somebody else for awhile or visit other somebody else's for a while. It's the best place for me to tell my stories and it can be a good place for you to tell yours. Puppets are easy to make and even easier to believe in and stages, why they too, can be as easy to make, as the little folks who come to live in them. Here's how to make two very easy, simple, hand puppet stages. The first one, The box can then be placed on a table (card tables are great for this) with a table cloth thrown over it. You are hidden by the tablecloth and if you set the table up in front of a doorway you can use the doorway behind you to tack up the scenery for your play. Scenery can be made of old sheets and pillow cases or posterboard and construction paper. You can go to my scenery page for more ideas on ways to make scenery. If you go to my stages page you'll find there are many other kinds of stages in the world. In fact, some say the world, itself is a stage and we are all the actors in it. If that's so, then we must be our own play wrights, as well as, our own directors, costume designers and camera men. Everyone gets an 'Oscarette' for best actor in his own production. There is lots to do in life and with your life, but for now, let's just have some fun, play and dream. Childhood is a great place to grow in and is our chance to try on many hats and costumes before we settle on our final production.
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